Introduction 2.0


If you haven’t read Josh’s introduction, go read it now. I’ll just wait here.

Done? Good.

Now we can get on with the better half of the introductions.

My name is Jess and I’m a 23 year old social service worker, ninja, and amateur writer. I’ve been writing bits of stuff since I was about 12, but I didn’t take it seriously until I was 18. I primarily wrote Chick Lit for the first couple years, but I’ve come over to the Science Fiction side for some reason. My 2014 writing goal is to write the first draft of an entire trilogy, which is a dystopian/sci-fi/adventure sort of thing (I think. I haven’t really planned anything yet). Josh and I met doing NaNoWriMo in 2012, and have been writing together for NaNo, Camp NaNoWriMo, random three day writing adventures, and just recreationally ever since.

So stay tuned for more literary extravaganzas! Camp NaNoWriMo starts again in eight days!

An Introduction of sorts


Oh, well hello there! I’m Josh and I’m half of the people running this blog. I’m 19 years old right now (which will be weird to look at in the future) and I’m aspiring to write a book that people really like. I know, amazing, right?

I’ve been writing for three years now and I’m a third of the way through the second draft of my first real book. It’s called Cartographer’s Dream. I’m sure you’ll hear more about it since it’s basically my entire life.